Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Captain & Facilities Director View Container

With the plans for the move to Shanganagh now in full swing, Paddy Kershaw, Captain, and Ian Kane, Facilities Director (left in photo.), accompanied Dún Laoghaire Community Garda Paul Durkan to view a 40th (12.20m) box-container for use as a temporary Dressing Room at Shanganagh. The container will require a small degree of work to bring it up to an acceptable standard for use at the new pitch. It has been converted into a two-room dressing room facility but has not be used for some time. Looking like a lick or two of paint wouldn't go a miss - it's not bad for a start!! Plans to have it transported from its present location to Shanganagh are currently being considered and a suitable location at Shanganagh Cliffs is being discussed with Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council's Parks Department. The Club's new Strategic Development Plan aims to provide a more permanent facility in due course.

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