Monday, November 10, 2008
Well following the recent uncertainty with the numbers of players for each squad, the Board's decision to withdraw a squad from Division 3 to concentrate on Division 3A is already proving to be a more workable arrangement all round. The home game against Brighton Celtic was a very hard fought, though evenly balanced, match with the winning goal for the visitors coming only in the dieing minutes of the game. Ian Kane and Jay Kane, working together, fielded a team that has great potential and indeed, very much so, especially when those injured over the past few weeks return before the Christmas break. Final score: DLTFC 0 : Brighton Celtic 1. Next Saturday the squad travels to meet Palmerstown United - kick off 14.00hrs
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Withdrawal of Team from Division 3
It is with sincere regret and considerable disappointment that, on behalf of this Club, we must advise the League and our fellow clubs that due to circumstances beyond our control, the Club has withdrawn its team from participating in Division 3 (Saturday).
The reasons that have impacted greatly on this most unfortunate decision include, an excessive number of injuries incurred over the past few weeks, the continued dispersal of the asylum / refugee community around the country resulting in the loss of key players and players being actively induced to join other clubs within the greater Dún Laoghaire area. Such losses to a small club like ours have serious and detrimental repercussions, of which, this decision to withdraw a team from Division 3 is an inevitable negative outcome.
The above decision will allow the Board of this Club and its management team to concentrate on Division 3A for the remainder of this season and to build towards restoring this Club’s level of participation in the Leinster Senior League for next season.
We most sincerely regret any inconvenience caused and thank all concerned for their kind assistance, advice and continued understanding on this matter.
Michael Merrigan
04. November 2008
The reasons that have impacted greatly on this most unfortunate decision include, an excessive number of injuries incurred over the past few weeks, the continued dispersal of the asylum / refugee community around the country resulting in the loss of key players and players being actively induced to join other clubs within the greater Dún Laoghaire area. Such losses to a small club like ours have serious and detrimental repercussions, of which, this decision to withdraw a team from Division 3 is an inevitable negative outcome.
The above decision will allow the Board of this Club and its management team to concentrate on Division 3A for the remainder of this season and to build towards restoring this Club’s level of participation in the Leinster Senior League for next season.
We most sincerely regret any inconvenience caused and thank all concerned for their kind assistance, advice and continued understanding on this matter.
Michael Merrigan
04. November 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Review of Squads
At the next meeting of the Board which is scheduled for Monday 17th November, the recent problems in fielding full squads in both Division 3 and 3A will be considered by the Board. An investigation into the effectiveness of the current arrangements and structures will, no doubt, form a part of any review of the squads that may be ordered by the Board. Whilst, it is understood that a number of players are injured and indeed, a few others have been "poached" by other clubs, the remaining members of both squads have been sporadic in their commitment which is causing considerable difficulties for the managers. It will be with deep disappointment and regret that the the Board could be forced to reduce the squads in order to field an effective and strong team each week. But if this option is the only one available, the Board will have no choice but to advise the Leinster Senior League accordingly. However, in the run-up to the Board meeting on Monday 17th November, both managers will be expected to contact each member of their squad to ascertain their current commitment to the Club. This will allow the Board to review the position in the light of the information provided by the managers.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The up-dating of the Club's web-blog has fallen somewhat behind schedule and therefore, match reports were missed, omitted or simply not filed by the Managers. Efforts to resolve this matter are currently in-hand and a marked improvement is earnestly anticipated. We can't allow the magnificent play, exceptional skill and tactics and, of course, spectacular goals scored by our players to go unreported any longer. Therefore, we require two match reporters, one home and the other away, to feed their exciting and eagerly awaited match reports to the webmaster to satisfy the hunger for news suffered by scores (or even, hundreds) of adoring fans. Anyone interested in becoming a match reporter, please contact Ian Kane or Jay Kane.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The "B" Squad Off to a Good Start
Ian Kane's "B" Squad playing in Division 3A was away to Clonee United on Saturday 23rd August 2008. The squad was in reasonable shape despite some notable absentees due to holidays. (Match Report to Follow). Final Score: Clonee United 0 : DLTFC 0
Bad Start of the Season for the "A" Squad"
The "A" Squad made its 2008/9 season debut in Division 3 against Laytown United away in the "Royal County" of Meath on Saturday 23rd August 2008. Already down vital players through injuries and holidays, Jay Kane, fielded a team that was far from match ready and very soon after kick off, the team's worst nightmare began to unfold. Readers can be spared the true awfulness of the occasion, suffice to say, with thirty minutes to the end of the match, a kind hearted referee put the lads out of their misery by sounding the full-time whistle. Never before in the history of the Club was such a disastrous performance delivered by "The Town". Final score: Laytown FC 10 : DLTFC 0. So along came Monday August 25th 2008 and a "surprise" fixture away to Whitechurch United with a kick off at 18.30hrs. There was some considerable confusion over this match as it was not listed on the Leinster Senior League website. Confirmation of the fixture only arrived late on Monday afternoon. The fielding of a team at such short notice had its inevitable consequences with lads unable to get off work early enough to play. The match went ahead with a much depleted squad on a pitch that was far from satisfactory. Final Score: Whitechurch United 7 : DLTFC 0. Well things can only get better lads!!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
League Matches Cancelled - Sat. 16th August 2008
Rain, rain and more rain, followed by severe flooding left most of the public playing fields either under water or very soft indeed. Matches were cancelled throughout the agglomeration of Dublin and beyond on Saturday 16th August, so all hope for a much needed and long overdue improvement in the weather conditions to allow matches go ahead on Saturday 23rd August 2008.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
New Season Starting Soon
The new Leinster Senior League season kicks off again on Saturday August 16th with our lads playing in two divisions 3 and 3A again this year. Jay Kane and Ian Kane, managers of the "A" and "B" squads respectively, are busy preparing the lads for the tough season ahead. A greater commitment is expected from each of the lads this year and therefore, training and fitness are of the utmost importance at this time. Tuesdays and Thursdays have been chosen for training sessions at Shanganagh Cliffs. Players are strongly urged to arrive on-time for the training sessions as a failure to do so may result in the offending players being dropped for games. The fixtures will be posted on this web-blog and on Monday nights in the "Evening Herald".
Long Tradition of Soccer in "The Town"
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Ladies' Squad for 2008/9 Season
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Board Selects Managers for 2008/9 Season
Monday, June 2, 2008
Preparing for the New Season
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The production and publication of the Members' Handbook for the Club is intended to facilitate a greater understanding of the Club, its structures and its functions amongst the Board members, members, players and others connected with the Club.
The first edition of the Members Handbook, published this month, contains the copies of the Club’s Strategic Development Plan, Standing Orders, Child Protection Policy, Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure.
The text, below, of the Mission Statement of the Club clearly sets this Club apart from similar sporting organisations in the County of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown and indeed, the participatory nature of the decision making structures established within this Club allows for a real sense of ownership by all members, whether playing or non-playing.
Our Mission
“Through the universal love of football, provide an opportunity for integration and social inclusion amongst the young people from many backgrounds, religions and nationalities living in the Central Dún Laoghaire area and through, education and example, promote respect and tolerance for difference, encourage co-operation and unity of purpose and through, teamwork in sport develop lasting bonds of mutual support and friendship as each young person plays with commitment and pride for their own hometown”
From the establishment of the Club by Abrahim Abdul Wahid and Ian M. Kane back in 2002 and through the assistance received from Dún Laoghaire Community Association, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, An Garda Síochána and most recently, the Equal Transition Support Project, this Club has successfully executed each of its programmes aimed at integration, tackling anti-social behaviour and encouraging responsible and active citizenship.
The Club is continuing to roll-out programmes with these very important objectives and it is especially pleased to have been offered the possibility of doing so in the Shankill area following the allocation of a pitch at Shanganagh Cliffs to the Club by Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council. Indeed, many of our most promising players now come from the Shankill area providing, some would say, a much needed injection of new talent and skills in to our squads.
The success of this Club depends greatly on the dedication and commitment shown by our most important members, the players themselves – they will be the future owners of this Club and to this end our duty as Directors is to facilitate and guide the structured development of the Club on their behalf.
The first edition of the Members Handbook, published this month, contains the copies of the Club’s Strategic Development Plan, Standing Orders, Child Protection Policy, Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure.
The text, below, of the Mission Statement of the Club clearly sets this Club apart from similar sporting organisations in the County of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown and indeed, the participatory nature of the decision making structures established within this Club allows for a real sense of ownership by all members, whether playing or non-playing.
Our Mission
“Through the universal love of football, provide an opportunity for integration and social inclusion amongst the young people from many backgrounds, religions and nationalities living in the Central Dún Laoghaire area and through, education and example, promote respect and tolerance for difference, encourage co-operation and unity of purpose and through, teamwork in sport develop lasting bonds of mutual support and friendship as each young person plays with commitment and pride for their own hometown”
From the establishment of the Club by Abrahim Abdul Wahid and Ian M. Kane back in 2002 and through the assistance received from Dún Laoghaire Community Association, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, An Garda Síochána and most recently, the Equal Transition Support Project, this Club has successfully executed each of its programmes aimed at integration, tackling anti-social behaviour and encouraging responsible and active citizenship.
The Club is continuing to roll-out programmes with these very important objectives and it is especially pleased to have been offered the possibility of doing so in the Shankill area following the allocation of a pitch at Shanganagh Cliffs to the Club by Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council. Indeed, many of our most promising players now come from the Shankill area providing, some would say, a much needed injection of new talent and skills in to our squads.
The success of this Club depends greatly on the dedication and commitment shown by our most important members, the players themselves – they will be the future owners of this Club and to this end our duty as Directors is to facilitate and guide the structured development of the Club on their behalf.
“The Town” is definitely a work in progress!!
Michael Merrigan
Dún Laoghaire Town Football Club Ltd
Nota Bene: At the May 26th meeting of the Board of the Club, it was agreed that each member of the Club, players and non-players, should receive a copy of the Handbook and sign for same giving the personal undertaking to read it carefully. Failure to adhere to this procedure will mean that a member has voluntarily resigned from the Club and therefore, cannot participate in any of the Club's activities. There are no exceptions as this decision covered each of the Board members also.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Leinster Senior League AGM
The Annual General Meeting of the Leinster Senior League will take place on Wednesday May 28th at 19.45hrs in the Teachers' Club, 36, Parnell Square, Dublin. It is anticipated that the Chairperson of the Club will lead this Club's delegation to the AGM.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
New Board Elected
The new Board of the Club has been elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club held on Monday 7th April 2008 in Park House, Library Road, Dún Laoghaire. Outgoing Chairperson, Michael Merrigan, was reelected for a further year as was Vice-Chairperson, Anne Traynor. Derek McAsey was elected Company / Club Secretary and will also hold the Financial Controller portfolio for the time being. Others elected were Ian M. Kane, Kevin Plunkett, Sighle L'Estrange, Lorie Kelly, James Kane, Robert Rogerson, John Paul Durkan, Noel Vaughan, Jonathon Corcoran and Denis Ryan. Anne Traynor will also hold the positions of Child Protection Liaison Officer and Registrar of Members. Luke Oliver Martin and Cllr. Cormac Devlin stepped down at the AGM. The Board will assign specific portfolios to the various directors at its meeting in May.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Winning End to the Season
In the "A" Squad's last game in Division 3 the lads finally found the winning touch which had seriously eluded them for weeks. Playing against Monksfield at home was certainly not going to be a repeat of our last encounter in October 2007 when we lost by six goals without reply. (MATCH REPORT TO FOLLOW) Final mscore: DLTFC 3 : Monksfield 2
Friday, April 4, 2008
"Dún Laoghaire News"
The latest edition of the Dún Laoghaire Community Association's newsletter "Dún Laoghaire News" is now available at The newsletter has been delivered to households in the central Dún Laoghaire area and copies are also available at Costello Flowers, 1, Northumberland Avenue, Dún Laoghaire.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Third Match in the Wally Winn Cup (29.03.08)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
"The Town" Joins the Campaign
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Park Celtic 2 : DLTFC 1 (22.03.08)
A Right Royal Hammering
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Mud Bath - But Great Match
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Loughlinstown Leisure Centre
The Wednesday night block booking of the indoor training facility at Loughlinstown Leisure Centre has been cancelled following the acquisition by the Board of equipment that will permit training sessions to be undertaken at Shanganagh Cliffs. It is envisaged that these training sessions will commence next week. For further information please contact Ian Kane on 085 764 7900 or
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Park Celtic win on St. David's Day
Dressing Rooms Refurbished
Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
"B" Squad in Cup Match : "A" Squad in Planet Love
Saturday 16th February 2008 was to see both squads in action, the "A" Squad in Division 3 away to Mount Tallant in Stannaway Park and the "B" Squad at home to Division leaders Malahide United in the Tom Watt Cup. However, on Saturday morning it transpired that about six players of the "A" Squad had contacted the manager to say that they had obtained tickets for "Planet Love" at Leopardstown, thankfully the League organisers and Mount Tallant were very understanding and permitted the Division 3 match to be postponed. The "B" Squad, under the management of Ian Kane and missing Jack Bwalya through the one match ban and without the star players Bruno de Carvalho and Tiziano Makanzu, fielded a team drawn from both squads to play Malahide. The match was a tense affair with both sides battling it hard and the halftime score of one all perfectly reflected the strengths of both teams. Our goal, the first in the game, came from the "B" Squad's striker, Johnson Goodwin. The pace quickened in the second half with some very hard tackles from both sides, but thankfully all in good sporting manner. A great loss to the lads was the injury to goalie Derek McAsey who had to hobble off to be replaced midway in the second half. The lads of "The Town" went briefly ahead with a fine goal from young Karl Smith. But not long after the visitors equalised as their greater strength and experience started to show in the last twenty minutes of the game and very soon the winning goal put Malahide through to the next round of the Tom Watt Cup. Final score: DLTFC 2 : Malahide 3
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Trip to the Brazil Match
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Dún Laoghaire Town 1 : Blackforge FC 5
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Seven Goals Without Reply
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
"B" Squad Kick Off the New Year
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